Product Use Disclaimer & Warranty Policy

Most products Thornwave Labs Inc. sells are component parts of larger electrical systems and, as such, they require proper installation.

We advise that you have the product installed by a professional, such as an electrician, RV technician, RV mechanic, boat mechanic, ...

However, if you decide to install it yourself, please note the following:

  • At least a basic knowledge of electrical systems is required. Installation instructions are provided in the user manuals, available in electronic form on the product page.
  • Installation involves working with electricity, which can be dangerous and potentially lethal.
  • Thornwave Labs Inc. assumes no responsibility for injuries to people or property, or for the loss of property arising from improper installation of its products.
  • Thornwave Labs Inc. is not responsible for any warranty-related claims arising from improper installation, improper use, or abuse of its products.

Thornwave Labs Inc. stands by its products and offers a 1-year warranty starting from the time of purchase. The warranty covers any defects in materials and workmanship used to manufacture the product, as well as any defects arising during normal use.

In the case of a warranty claim, we will repair or replace the product. In the latter case, we will only replace a product with the same type; no refunds or exchanges for a different product are allowed under the warranty program.

By purchasing any product from Thornwave Labs, you agree to the terms and conditions stated on this page